Greensboro Builders Association members are active, concerned citizens who live and work in Guilford and surrounding counties. The Greensboro Builders Association is involved in numerous community service projects on an ongoing basis, giving of both financial resources and in-kind contributions. GBA members are committed to ensuring Greensboro and Guilford County remain a great place to live, work and raise a family.
Providing affordable housing is an ongoing area of emphasis for the Greensboro Builders Association. We have worked with various organizations such as the City of Greensboro, Home Inc., Habitat for Humanity of Greater Greensboro and Housing Greensboro to assist with new construction and renovations to existing homes.

Raising Roofs…Builders for Habitat
In 2003, we entered into a partnership with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Greensboro to build 12 homes in one week… called Raising Roofs…Builders for Habitat. This initiative continues to be tremendously successful due to the generous contributions of Association members. To date through this every other year build, GBA members have constructed 65 Habitat homes in Stonegate Crossing, The Village at Northside, Quail Oaks West, and Asher Downs neighborhoods.
ReBuilding Hope
In 2011, GBA Remodelers Council members formed a partnership with Community Housing Solutions to conduct home repairs and renovations called ReBuilding Hope. More than 12 homes have been renovated to ensure homes are warmer, safer and drier for those in need in our community. In 2014, we completed an entire home renovation in the historic Glenwood neighborhood. In 2016, we built a new home on Douglas Street in the Ole Asheboro neighborhood. In 2018 we renovated a home partially destroyed by a tornado and in 2021 we completed construction of a new home on Eastwood Avenue.

Community Service
In addition to these ongoing partnerships, GBA member give back in many other ways…from hurricane relief trips for Floyd and Katrina…to assisting other community groups with construction related needs such as Peacehaven Community Farm; McIver Education Center; Hospice Beacon Place; Amy’s House – A Room at the Inn of the Triad; and Bingham Street Redevelopment project in which eight homes were constructed. Other community initiatives have included UNCG Bryan House Renovation; Price Park butterfly kiosk; Greensboro Children’s Museum; Greensboro Center City Park; Greensboro Sports Council Scholarship Tournament; Greensboro Beautiful; and In-as-Much Ministries. The past few years we have been partnering with A Simple Gesture Greensboro to collect food for school pantries in Guilford County during the Parade of Homes and Tour of Remodeled Homes.