More than a half-century ago, a group of Greensboro home builders saw the reputation of their trade being tarnished by unqualified, untrained, and often unscrupulous builders looking to make a quick buck in the burgeoning 1950’s housing boom. To protect home buyers from shoddy construction and shady contractors, the group decided to form a trade association which would set standards for reputable, professional builders. The result was the Home Builders Association of Greensboro, which was chartered by the National Association of Home Builders on September 16, 1957.
More than sixty-five years later, our organization known today as the Greensboro Builders Association remains focused on serving consumers in new and remodeled residential and commercial construction. Our members commit to adhere to a Code of Ethics and the highest standards of professionalism. Education, advocacy and community service are integral to our mission and core values.
Even though our Association’s roots trace back to home construction, our scope has expanded greatly over the past five decades. The Association now represents all segments of the building profession, including single-family residential builders, remodelers, multi-family and commercial builders. Approximately one third of our members are licensed building contractors, with the other two thirds representing businesses associated with the building industry.
The Greensboro Builders Association was founded as a way to grow the public’s trust in the building profession. Today, consumers trust our members to not only build a high-quality, high-value home or commercial building, but also to keep them informed about the latest trends and innovations in design, energy efficiency, amenities and structural techniques. Building styles, neighborhoods, and even the way structures fit into our lifestyles have changed dramatically since 1957…and will continue to evolve in the years ahead.